Shepherd’s Corner from Fr Emil
by Woden South
Shepherd’s Corner 1/2 March 2025
It has been a big week as Vocations Director helping to organise Fr Rob Galea speaking, singing,
celebrating Mass & giving his testimony to over 5000 students & staff in our Catholic Colleges this past week.
He makes a great impression of faith, trust & joy in Jesus. A theme he developed was how we all need a “centre of balance” in God to live successful lives. This weekend’s gospel as well as the season of Lent, starting with Ash Wednesday is all about this. Fr Rob’s life is being made into a film. You can google his name and get lots on material for sharing. God’s blessing Fr Emil
Shepherd’s Corner 22/23 February 2025
As part of their community service program Marist College Canberra have offered to bring over a group of staff supervised boys one Saturday to clean up someone’s garden. They will bring their equipment & trailer. If you know anyone needing such help please contact Dave Moore 62987247 or
Lent is only 10 days away, I hope to again have the Fridays in Lent as a day of prayer- 12 hours of
Eucharistic Adoration (see Lenten Season notice in bulletin), I will contact those who helped previously. The sign-up sheet will be in the foyer, please contact myself for info 0414 523 036. God’s blessing Fr Emil
Shepherd’s Corner 15/16 February 2025
Thank you to those who responded to the Parish Budget Annual Report last week- some have already contacted the parish office to increase their electronic giving or to renew it. Others expressed their prayer & support even though not able financially to join planned giving at this time.
Our prayers are very important too, I am doing a Novena to St Mary Mackillop. If you missed the
report last week the two sheets with summary info. on them, about the gradual fall in parish income & rise in expenses, they are in the foyer. Also the forms to become part of electronic giving which is so helpful to the parish.
The collections last week too, were higher than usual- which if it continues will be just what is needed. I will keep you posted with budget reports though the year. If you took forms home and need help filling them out please contact Melanie in the parish office God’s blessing Fr Emil
Shepherd’s Corner 8/9 February 2025
This Sunday we present the annual Planned Giving Report. Like most communities in these times of costs of living pressures income is down & expenses up. I did my best to help curb expenses by doing extra gardening, I replaced light bulbs in the Church (with a parishioner), cleaned gutters, did painting & paid for my clergy retreat & a few other items I could have gotten covered by the parish etc. I have also joined the Direct Debit Planned giving program – as I see myself as a part of this community not just its pastor.
Please consider joining our Planned Giving Program, especially via Direct Debit as this helps us when people travel. God’s blessing Fr Emil
p.s. a big thank you to the Finance Committee for all their help in the preparing of the financial
Shepherd’s Corner 1/2 February 2025
This week the new year gets into full swing with the children going back to school. We heard sad news that the Religious Education Coordinator at our Sacred Heart Parish school will be leaving for another career.
There is a copy of the Principal’s (David Austin) announcement letter in the foyer. Katie Imbriano has been such a blessing in that role that links the school & parish so importantly, through Masses & Sacramental Programs. We wish her all the best, as we turn to asking the Lord in prayer to send us another labourer for the Harvest. God’s blessing Fr Emil