MHoC Lenten Season 2025

Lent begins Ash Wednesday 5 March.  Masses 7.30am, 9.30am & 5.30pm. Volunteers

2024 Palm Crosses may be returned to the baskets at each entrance to the church.

Stations of the Cross: After 8.30am Mass Thu’s.

2nd Rite of Reconciliation – Tue 1 April 6pm after 5.30pm Mass for Weston Creek, Nth Woden & MHOC.

Eucharistic Adoration Fridays in Lent begins 7 Mar. Volunteers to please enter their name on the sign up sheet in the main foyer.  You will commit to 1 hour of prayer in the church, between 10am & 9pm. 
Please speak with Fr Emil if you need guidance.

¨ Ash Wednesday (5 Mar) & Good Friday (18 Apr) are days of fast & abstinence (no meat).  The law of
fasting binds those who have completed their eighteenth year, until the beginning of their sixtieth year; the law of abstinence binds those who have completed their fourteenth year.

¨ In Lent, the “Alleluia” is omitted at Mass.

¨ Catholics are obliged to receive Holy Communion at least once a year, between Ash Wednesday &
Trinity Sunday (15 June 2025).

Lenten Discussion Group
A small group will meet after the Friday morning 9.30am mass in the Hall for a chat & a cuppa.  The group will meet again from Friday 7 Mar. All Welcome.

Lent 2025 with The Catholic Guy; Bruce Downes
Lent is a time when we can grow closer to God & prepare our hearts for the true meaning of Easter. If you would like to receive free daily inspirational videos to help you make this Lenten Journey more powerful & prayerful, sign up at: https//

Lentin Discussion Group
Even from the earliest times, church communities met together for teaching, fellowship, the breaking of bread and prayer.
To help us in our journey of metanoia (conversion and repentance) this Lent, Fr Emil has suggested, for those interested, to come together in a Lentin discussion group using the “Metanoia” program book published by the Catholic Diocese of Wollongong which is available from the Parish office for $10.00 each.
The first session will be held on Sunday 9 March (the first Sunday of Lent with the theme of temptation and resistance) after the 10.00am Mass in the Parish hall.
