Dear Parents,
On behalf of the Parishioners of Mary, Help of Christians Parish I congratulate you on the birth of your child and warmly welcome your child as a candidate for Baptism and admission into the Catholic Church.
The Ceremony of Baptism will address these words to you; “You have asked to have your child Baptised. In doing so you are accepting the responsibility of training him/her up to keep God’s Commandments as Christ taught us, by loving God and our neighbour. Do you clearly understand what you are undertaking?”
Might I suggest that you consider the seriousness of your reply and the responsibilities it entails.
Briefly these are:
o Your own growth in faith and Sunday Mass attendance.
o To teach your child by word and example so he/she will grow in virtue and the love of God.
o At the appropriate time, to prepare your child for the other Sacraments, (Reconciliation, Communion and Confirmation).
Yours in Christ Jesus
Fr Emil Milat, Parish Priest
How Do I Register For My Child’s Baptism
As baptism is the first step in your child’s faith journey and initiation into the Christian Community, it is important that it is celebrated within the community. It is recommended you register two to three months ahead of the anticipated date. Parents are the first and most significant teachers in all things, including faith. Your example of commitment & involvement in the Church will always be the most influential for your child. Baptism is the public beginning. Sacraments can be received at any age.
Baptisms are typically held during any weekend Mass or at 11.30am on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month. To discuss scheduling a Baptism, please contact the Parish Office on 6286 1908 (Tues-Fri, 9:00-3:00). Once you have spoken to the Parish Office and provided the necessary preliminary information, you can schedule the Baptism via the
App (available on all smart phones) or on Qkr! website.
You no longer require permission to hold a baptism outside of your parish, we will however notify your home parish of the baptism once it has occurred.
Information evenings are intended for first time parents, or occasionally for parents of children who have not previously been Baptised. These information evenings are typically held on the third Thursday of the month in the Parish Hall at 7.00pm (please check with the Parish Office).
The evening brings the families of those to be Baptised together to help you understand:
the importance of Baptism for you and your child;
the responsibility you are undertaking;
the meaning of the liturgy and symbols; and
to answer any questions you might have regarding your role or the ceremony.
To book into the Information Evening please contact the Parish Office on 6286 1908 (Tues-Fri, 9:00-3:00).