There can be no doubting that historically the Catholic people of MHOC have been very generous in their support of the Archdiocesan clergy and the works of the Church. I sincerely thank all for your support. Your financial offerings enable your parish to progress its Mission: “All the Church, all the Gospel, all the people, all the time” – Fr Emil Milat, P.P.
Please click here see the 2024 Budget from the Parish Finance Council.
Please click here to see the 2025 Budget from the Parish Finance Council.
Collection bags and request for volunteers:
The first collection is donated towards our retured clergy and the second collection goes towards the running of your parish church.
Volunteers are needed to assist with collections at Mass. Please contact us on 6286 1908 or or see Fr. Emil before Mass to volunteer. For those who prefer electronic means for donating, we have TAP machines at each entrance. Please drop off any other donations cleary marked in an envelope outside of mass times to the Parish Office mailbox next to the office door in the wall if out of office hours.
Further Archdiocesan Clergy Support
Christmas and Easter Offerings (Dues), plus the donations given for weddings and baptisms are added to this support. These monies are deposited in the parish Central Presbytery Fund. This account is managed by the Parish Priest and overseen by our Archdiocesan Financial Services.
Parish Support (Planned Giving)
The administration and maintenance costs associated with the Parish come from Planned Giving envelopes, Direct Debit, Credit Card,
, one off donations and loose (cash) money. It is primarily used for:
- All Parish running costs, any loans, administration, insurance including public liability, electricity, phone, stationery, printing, liturgical needs, the general maintenance and upkeep of the church, presbytery and parish property.
- Remuneration for parish staff including our Youth Minister
- Priest’s car expenses
- Canberra Schools’ Building
- Canberra Hospital’s Chaplaincy contribution
- 5% annual Archdiocesan levy the Australian and NSW Bishops’ Conferences, The Apostolic Nunciature (Vatican) and the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Catholic Council.
The management of these funds is the responsibility of the parish priest, but administered by the Archdiocesan Financial Services, Catholic Development Fund in Canberra and in consultation with our Parish Finance Committee. These funds are audited through the Archdiocesan Financial Services Office annually.
The COVID pandemic has had an enormous financial impact, especially on financing clergy support. At the same time, we still note that in recent years the gap between contributions and the increase in insurance, utilities and maintenance has widened.
Our Planned Giving program is an important means of ensuring that the parish can serve the Church and our community.
Please click this link to see a copy of our 2024 Parish Finance Council Report