Have you been thinking to yourself for a while, “Now is the time for me to go and do some volunteering?” Are you a trained Special Minister of the Eucharist or willing to become so? Calvary John James in Deakin is looking for volunteers to fill in some gaps on its roster to bring communion to Catholic patients in hospital. You need to be available once a month for an hour, do some initial training and then update yearly as well as some mandatory orientation checks. This is a great way to be the hands and feet of Christ in the world. We currently have vacancies on both weekdays and weekends so it suits people with both time during the week and people who might work during the week but can volunteer on weekends. If you can help, please phone the volunteer coordinator Samantha Thirkettle on 6281 8112 or contact samantha.thirkettle@calvarycare.org.au for more information.
Our Rostered Ministries involve volunteers assisting in the following areas:
- Acolytes
- Welcome Ministry
- Commentators/Lectors
- Music Ministry
- Extraordinary Ministers
- Linen and Altar Care
Please see below for page links to specific Ministries within our Parish.
For more information or to volunteer please contact the parish office on 02 6286 1908 or wodensouth@cg.org.au.