Please remember to turn off or silence all electronic devices before the start of Mass.
A prayerful silence is respectfully requested as we gather to celebrate Eucharist.
Thank you.
RCIA/Adult Faith Education UPDATE 28 February 2025
MHOC Adult Faith Enrichment/RCIA Lentin Discussion Group
Even from the earliest times, church communities met together for teaching, fellowship, the breaking of bread and prayer.
To help us in our journey of metanoia (conversion and repentance) this Lent, Fr Emil has suggested, for those interested, to come together in a Lentin discussion group
using the “Metanoia” program book published by the Catholic Diocese of Wollongong which is available from the Parish office for $10.00 each.
The first session will be held on Sunday 9 March (the first Sunday of Lent with the theme of temptation and resistance) after the 10.00am Mass in the Parish hall.
See here for an RCIA brochure, they are also available at each entrance to the church.
Please contact the office with any questions: wodensouth@cg.org.au
The Friendship Group typically meet on Thursdays from 10am-12pm, in the Parish Hall.
* 20 February – Lunch at the Southern Cross Club & visiting the Bald Archy Exhibition in Watson
* 27 February – 10am – Hall – Bingo
* 6 March – 10am – Hall – Cutting and sorting stamps
* 13 March – Bus trip to Batlow & Lunch in Tumut – Depart 7.30am on Murphy Stbehind the school/church,
return at approximately 6pm. Cost $95 including bus, morning tea & lunch. RSVP, ASAP to Faye 0451 683 099.
* 20 March – 10am – Hall -Scattergories
* 27 March – 10am – Hal – Guest Speaker from Marymead CatholicCare
Please click here to view the February to July 2025 Friendship Group schedule. Subject to change. Contact Faye 0451 683 099 with any questions.
MenALIVE is a men’s group that meets weekly in the Parish Hall on Tuesdays 7-8am.
It is a National Men’s Ministry which was founded to respond to the great need in the hearts and lives of men.
Their purpose is to bring all men together, to renew their faith and to encourage them to become an active force of renewal.
For information contact Mat on 0438 446 489 or speak with Fr Emil.
Please note the below MenALIVE upcoming Event:
MenAlive Recharge 24 May 2025
When: Saturday 24 May (2.00pm to 5.30pm) followed by rosary, Mass and a shared meal.
Where: Mary Help of Christians Parish, South Woden, 115 Hodgson Cres, Pearce ACT.
Cost: Nothing. Let’s come together, renew our faith, and encourage one another to respond to the great need. Contact Mat at 0438446489 or Fr Emil at 0414 523 036.
Children’s Liturgy is run during the 10am mass on Sunday’s during school terms.
Cursillo in the Diocese
Cursillo is an international lay-based faith formation movement that started over 80 years ago. It provides a sound and practical approach for energising, renewing and enlivening our faith lives. As well as annual Cursillo weekends, there are regular small group meetings held for prayer and study. Interested people are invited to check those out by contacting one of the following in your area.
- Gungahlin: Joe Jambor, irmandjoe@gmail.com
- Belconnen: Alfred Bongi, readysetgo@live.com.au
- Belconnen: Gerardo Santosuosso, santosuosso.gerardo@gmail.com
- Tuggeranong: Amanda Jocumsen, ajocumsen@yahoo.com.au
- Tuggeranong: Michael de Raadt, michaelderaadt@gmail.com
Please join us in the Hall for morning tea on 2 March 2025 after the Sunday 8.30am & 10am Masses. Please bring some nibbles to share if able.
Live Stream Mass is still available from St. Christopher’s Cathedral Mon—Sat 12.15pm & Sun 11am: https://www.catholicvoice.org.au/mass-online/
The Catholic Voice is online
Stay up to date with News of Local & International stories, upcoming events & many articles of interest: https://www.catholicvoice.org.au/
St Vincent de Paul Update
Volunteer For Vinnies Roadhouse! 12 July 2024
Roadhouse is a free meal service for those in need! We provide a hot meal, groceries, & somewhere to have a chat & coffee. We would love you to come & have a look to see what we do & get a taste of what Vinnies is all about! If you would like any more info, please Call 0480311050.
God Bless You, Tim Murray- Roadhouse Officer
Vinnies Winter Appeal The conference thanks the parish for supporting the Winter Appeal especially parishioners who
volunteered to attend the table over the weekend. We are still counting & all donations
received so far will go towards supporting people in need. Information: Mark Mooney 0450 354 551.
Volunteers Needed for Helpline
Make a difference to the lives of those struggling. Volunteers needed for the St Vincent de Paul Emergency Relief Helpline at Yarralumla.
Duties include answering calls & taking requests. Training included, in a friendly, supportive environment. Hours to suit you. For more information, please call
the helpline 6282 2722.
We are flagging the 50th anniversary of the dedication of our church for 12 December 2026. Ideas? We would also like to have a parish picnic this year. Please email any ideas to the Parish Office at: wodensouth@cg.org.au
Calvary Hospital needs Special Ministers of the Eucharist
Pastoral and Spiritual Care Training
A Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) 5-day course is on offer to get a feel for pastoral & spiritual care. Topics such as: What is Pastoral/ Spiritual Care; empathy, grief & loss, spiritual reflection & self-care.
Two 5-Wed courses; Sept 21 to Oct 19 & Feb 15 to Mar 15 2023, 9-5pm, Queanbeyan; cost $400. Followed by a longer CPE unit for those interested. Enrolments close soon. Contact Susanne to enrol on
0431 243 486 or at susannecpe@gmail.com
Archdiocesan Youth & Young Adults:
From 2022 the Archdiocesan Youth and Young Adult Ministry leadership team will encompass four key roles, placing youth and young adult ministries at the heart of parishes, schools, universities, and the broader Archdiocesan community. Please see click here to read more information about this initiative.
Our next Youth Group: Sat 15 June 7pm we are having another combined youth group with St Brigid’s (inner north) youth in our Parish Hall, with special guest speaker Fr Tony Percy speaking on St Pope JPII’s Theology of the Body. All high school age youth & young adults are welcome.
Link for Blue Door information: https://www.vinnies.org.au/page/Get_Involved/Become_a_volunteer/ACT/Blue_Door/
Link for Helpline information: https://www.volunteer.com.au/volunteering/164905/vinnies-helpline-volunteers
Link for Retail Centres information: https://www.vinnies.org.au/page/Get_Involved/Become_a_volunteer/ACT/Centres_Image/
Link for Admin Assistant volunteer information: https://www.volunteer.com.au/volunteering/166428/vinnies-administration-assistant-volunteer
Link for Project volunteer information: https://www.volunteer.com.au/volunteering/166309/vinnies-project-volunteer
Link for Night Patrol General Hand (Day Team) information: https://www.volunteer.com.au/volunteering/126810/night-patrol-general-hand-day-team-volunteer