Preparing a funeral can be an overwhelming experience in the middle of grieving. Our parish has prepared a Funeral Preparation kit to help you at this time. This kit is ideally used for a conversation with the family and their loved one before he or she dies. This is also an opportunity for an individual to prepare the kind of funeral they want, so as to help take stress off family members at the time of death. This way family members are also honouring the wishes of the deceased.
This Kit is also designed as the conversation tool with the priest or deacon conducting the funeral.
Click the attachment below to open your Funeral Preparation Kit.
MHOC Funeral Preparation Document
Fr Emil’s two most valuable points of advice in preparing a funeral:
- Music – make sure it is dignified and appropriate.
- Personal words of remembrance – keep them succinct. Longer ‘speeches ‘are better at the wake.
The following attachments are templates for the three normal Catholic funeral services: A Funeral Mass, A Prayer Service in the church or a Prayer Service at a Crematorium. In each template, anything in red needs to be altered for your circumstances. The “Page 34-39 etc.” in red refer to the pages from the Brisbane Liturgical Commission publication “Life Is Changed Not Ended”, 2nd Edition. This publication may be borrowed from our parish office.
But before organising the order of service it is important for the priest or deacon to know something of the deceased. This attachment can be filled in and used to discuss with him: FUNERAL FAMILY INFORMATION SHEET (1)
Funeral Mass booklet/template guide: Funeral Mass template
Prayer Service booklet/template guide: Prayer Service Funeral booklet – No Mass
Crematorium Service booklet/template guide: Crematorium Service