From: Jeanine Doyle
Sent: Monday, 21 October 2024
5:02 PM
To: Jeanine Doyle
Subject: Synod on Synodality - Week
Attachments: Reflection-27Oct24.docx;
Dear Diocesan Contacts and Group Coordinators,
The Synod Assembly enters its fourth and final week.
The Fourth Week of the Second Assembly
The Assembly will focus this week on the drafting of the Final Document, with the Approval of the Final Document due to occur on Saturday 26 October.
Liturgical Resources
The Sunday reading reflection for Sunday 27 October is attached and is also available on the Synod website ( and in the Google Drive in the ‘Spiritual and Liturgical Resources’ folder: This is available in both Word and PDF format.
We remind our readers that while you may, of course, download any resources and share them with your groups, the link to the Drive should not be made available publicly or circulated more widely by publishing it on diocesan websites, Facebook, or in print or online newsletters.
Theological-Pastoral Fora
The theological-pastoral fora that have taken place on the 9th and 16th of October have yielded an array of media coverage. Notably is the speech of Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDP, Archbishop of Perth and President of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference, who spoke at the forum on the topic of “Synodality and the Primacy of the Bishop of Rome”. His speech is available here:
Other media coverage on the fora are at the links below:
The videos of the theological-pastoral fora are available at the links below:
Interviews with Dr Trudy Dantis
Trudy has been sharing a number of interviews with Synod participants and giving a glimpse into what it is like during the Synod itself. Many of these can be accessed on the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference’s YouTube channel:
She has also interviewed Archbishop Timothy Costelloe and their conversation can be found on Spotify on the Synodal Podcast series:
Ecumenical Vigil
On Friday 11 October Pope Francis presided over an ecumenical prayer service. The text of his speech from the event is available here:
Other news reports from the Synod
Br Mark O’Connor FMS, Vicar for Communications for the Diocese of Parramatta, is providing regular reports on the Synod. His third letter is available at the link below.
Reporting on the Synod by The Pillar
Broken Bay
Southern Cross - story on Bishop Shane Mackinlay
Geraldine Doogue in Rome
Catholic Weekly – Xavier Rynne
Sight Magazine – on women
A conservative angle on women
African take on the synod discussions
Catholic Herald (UK) editorial
NCPR Contact during the Synod
If you require any assistance, please feel free to contact either Stephen Reid ( or myself, Leith Dudfield (
For all media inquiries and assistance please contact Paul Osborne (
Kind regards,
LEITH DUDFIELD Research Assistant, National Centre for Pastoral Research Australian
Catholic Bishops Conference E: | W: |
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