Saturdays 5.35pm Rosary 6.00pm Mass
Sundays 08.30am or 10.00am Masses
Goodwin Village, on the last Saturday of the month at 9.30am.
The Pines Living Farrer, on the last Thursday of the month at 11am.

Children’s Liturgy is offered during the school terms, is open to children K-Year 6 at 10.00am Mass during school terms.

Please join us for morning tea in the Parish Hall after both masses on the first Sunday every month.

Mon 8.30am Communion Service;
Tue 5.30pm Mass;
Wed 8.30am;
Thu 8.30am Mass;
Fri 8.45am Morning Prayer of the Church, 9.00am Rosary, 9.30 Mass.
5-6pm Evening Prayer & Adoration.

11am-12pm Saturdays.

FATIMA DEVOTIONS: 'The Five First Saturdays' Held on the 1st Saturday of the month. Mass 9.30am, followed by confessions with benediction 10am, concluding with a Marian Movement of Priests cenacle.

BAPTISMS: Baptism Information may be gained through the parish office.

WEDDINGS: By appointment, at least 6 months notice is essential. Phone the Office for details.

Enrolments are open for our Reconciliation and First Holy Communion Programs and close Monday 10 February.  Please see our Sacraments page for dates and how to enrol.

FATIMA DEVOTIONS: ‘The Five First Saturdays’ the next session is on Saturday 1 March 2025.
Held on the 1st Saturday of the month: Mass 9.30am,  followed by confessions with benediction 10am, concluding with a Marian Movement of Priests cenacle.
See blue flyer in the main foyer for info.



Please remember to turn off or silence all electronic devices before the start of Mass.  Thank you.

A prayerful silence is respectfully requested as we gather to celebrate Eucharist.

Our parish acknowledges and celebrates the original
custodians of this sacred land and we commit ourselves
to the ongoing journey of reconciliation.

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